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2023 Pigskinpoints Contest

The Pigskin Points Contest begins 9/7, so make sure enter your weekly picks to see how you compare against all the other players! Click "Enter Here" and make your picks today!

  1. Each player, each week submits an entry for every Thursday, Sunday and Monday night game(s) for a total of three game entries per week.
  2. All picks need to be in by the start of the first game for all Thursday, Sunday, and Monday games to prevent being locked out for all of the day's games. (If you get locked out of Thursday games for not getting you picks in time, you can still enter picks for Sunday and Monday games.)
  3. Tie-Breaker: The Monday night game is the tie-breaker each week. Make sure to enter your predicted score for the selected Monday night game.
    • Example: Cardinals 23 Giants 13, so the total score for the game is "36".
    • The player that picks the game winner and has the closest predicted total score compared to the actual game total score, wins the tie-breaker
  4. Each player will accrue weekly points by picking the winners of each day's game(s). Points will accrue all season long for weekly and end winners. The round scoring is as follows:
    1. Regular Season: 1 Point
    2. Wild Week: 3 Points
    3. Division Week: 5 Points
    4. Conference Week: 7 Points
    5. Super Week: 15 Points
  5. You can check our website at the end of each round and see your standings for the week and for the season totals!
  6. Questions/Help? Email [email protected]